08ago 2019

IBM Power Systems Strategy

Recently, I have been in several IBM sessions where the IBM Power Systems, now known as Cognitive Systems, has presented their strategy. As many of you have not had the opportunity to be at an IBM Cognitive Systems presentation regarding their strategy, I thought I would share this with you, along with some of my comments.

08ago 2019

IBM Power Systems Strategy

Nos últimos anos, o mundo descobre uma nova necessidade imediata: a de armazenar e proteger dados e informações. Conforme atinge empresas e instituições de todos os portes, não mais apenas as gigantes do mercado, essa necessidade se torna cada vez (...)

08ago 2019

Power Linux is Special

When making technical comparisons in IT, using an analogy is often helpful. IBM did a presentation on object storage vs file storage, recently. The presenter’s analogy on these two types of data storage was this:

08ago 2019

Difference between File Storage and Object Storage

When making technical comparisons in IT, using an analogy is often helpful. IBM did a presentation on object storage vs file storage, recently. The presenter’s analogy on these two types of data storage was this:

08ago 2019

Why Businesses are Buying IBM LinuxONE

As Information Technology management face today’s challenges of exponential capacity growth, security breaches, and escalating costs, they fervently search for a better server solution. IBM has the solution in the LinuxONE server family.

08ago 2019

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) with Spectrum Virtualize and Amazon Web Services

Automation, Procedures and IT Infrastructure Disaster Recovery can be thought of as a Three-Legged Stool. The components of it are 1. Automation 2. Procedures 3. IT Infrastructure